Wednesday, February 04, 2009

How's this for a cool motto....

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass ..... It's about learning to dance in the rain."
or in this case, being willing to run around taking photos in the rain.... and capturing a beautiful image as a result!

I don't know who to attribute this quote to, but it is very close to the way I have always chosen to see life. I like to live for today, whatever it is throwing at me, rather than just sit around longing for some sort of better future. And it has paid off handsomly, because every day has dark and light moments, and celebrating the light ones means that, if there is a big dark cloud hanging over the future, it is kept in perspective, and not allowed to rob me of those small delights that are to be found in every day. By the time I get to that cloudy place, it seems to have shrunk, and I seem better able to handle it. (Not that any clouds are looming for me at the moment, although I know some friends and loved ones have a rainy forecast ahead, but it is actually a great way to look at life, in good or bad times.)


Tom said...

First... your name popping up on Wiggers World this morning made my day.... thanks for taking time out Suzi.. I know just how buzy you are at the moment.

The quote is excellent... if only I could get my head to think that way each day... :o).

Catch up with you again soon... say hello to Max..

Tom x

Firefly the Travel Guy said...

Its true that if you have a passion for photography and you see something you must go after it. People who say they didn't have their camera with them have no excuse.

Dave Schipper said...

Amen to that sister... I too felt too much weight from the depressing news to write Joy begins... yesterday... see the

Keep dancin in the rain.


Katney said...

I am taking a photography class and our next assignment will be protrait. I may have some trouble with that assignement, because I see that first picture as a perfect portrait. Though we don't see his face, we see his spirit (and yours) in the photo. (I don't think the instructor will we it the same.)

Janet said...

That's a great quote!! And I think the photo you captured is perfect! I don't mind a rainy day now and then. In fact, we're having a bit of rain today and it's nice having a fire and feeling cozy.

Michele said...

Your quote here is so wonderful... it gives me a lot to think about.
The photos are amazing!! So enchanting!

Mountain Retreat

Sheila said...

Lovely photos, you have really captured the essence of the morning. Great atmosphere.
Hope you guys are both well?

imac said...

Fantastic shots of the storm and rain.
Hi Suzi, just stopped blogging on Skywatch and my world, visiting over 200 it gets too much. Now got more time to go visiting a few friends.