Thursday, September 27, 2007

bloggers against abuse day

Hi, well the big day has dawned, and today is bloggers against abuse day. if you want to find out more, click on the icon on my sidebar. I have been putting ideas together, but have been really ill for the past 4 days, (suspected glandular fever) and to be honest, my brain is like cotton wool, I just do not have what it takes to pull it all together. So I may have a go at a later stage, and in the meantime I will give you links to a couple of websites dealing with child abuse in South Africa, which is very prevalent.
the first is on the south african police site.
and the second is training for teachers to know what to look out for and how to deal with it.
sorry, that's it for now, back to bed!


Janet said...

Oh, no!! I'm sorry to hear you're sick, and on top of that I forgot about the abuse day.

I will send lots of healing thoughts your way and hope that you feel better soon.

Sheila said...

I'm late coming by for abuse day, but I followed the police link (the teacher's one did not work?)
Sorry to hear that you are ill, and hope you will soon feel better. Glandular fever can be nasty, take care..!

Ali Honey said...

Thinking of you and hoping you feel better soon. Take care of yourself and rest up.....that can be really debilitating.
Hugs from NZ.