Wednesday, October 03, 2007

new year, new season, new look

Well, now that I can finally breathe again (turned out to be sinusitis and bronchitis/asthma, not glandular fever thank goodness) I can start to bounce back and tackle the new blog year with renewed enthusiasm. So, to begin, a fresh new look (so much cheaper and less depressing than trying on new clothes too, I wish it was always this easy to get a new look!!)

And, since spring has really sprung around here, (not that winter was that arduous to be honest)the promise of new life, new opportunities etc hovers in the air.
My architect friend is currently drawing plans for a new art studio, and so I'll soon be in the thick of another building project. It is , by the very nature of these inner city properties, going to be a bit limited in size, but it will still be marvellous to have a space to splash out in
(literally, look at the walls of the study where I currently paint!!!)
and to be able to have friends and family around to visit without falling over large canvasses all over the place.
We have a little outside storeroom, which has always been too small for me to work in.
One of my larger canvasses practically goes edge to edge, and I need to be able to stand well back to see where the painting is heading, but the room is too small for that.
We are going to widen the room out right across the courtyard, and at the same time raise the floor level,
which will also make it much easier taking groceries from the garage to the kitchen without going down one steep and treacherous set of steps and up another.
The other cool thing is that I will finally get a chance to use some of the interesting old doors and windows I have collected over the years. I am really looking forward to it all, so watch this space as we follow the progress..............


Janet said...

Love the new look!! I think it's wonderful that you're getting a bigger studio. I can't wait to see it all finished and being put to use....I'm sure you feel the same.

Glad you're feeling better, too. It's no fun being sick.

Max-e said...

Love the new look site Suzi-K

Gill said...

Wow, you are movin on up! Cool. Can't wait to see.
Being sick with sinus junk really sucks. Glad your over it.

Gill said...

Nice looking blog too, for Spring!

Ali Honey said...

I'm glad to hear you are feeling better and are full of the 'Joys of Spring.' Good luck with the renovations and expansion.