that new mega post on the Zambezi took 2 days to upload, with blogger up to its usual tricks, so by the time I posted I didn't add anything current... so here is just a brief update, we are in Philippolis at the moment, leaving today to take a slow drive back to PE. Will share the trip with you once we are back.
On Janet's blog, she suggests an idea of 365 photos. Here is what I commented "I like the idea of 365, we bloggers all seem so trigger happy with our cameras that it shouldn't be too much of a hardship! But the discipline of daily posting might be, I'm thinking of daily photos, collected into a weekly post to show aspects of the last week. Max and I have been thinking for a while of a daily or weekly photo of the same scene, put together at the end of the year to chronicle the seasonal changes, maybe somehow both projects could be combined? ".
So I think in the absence of any more relevant life changing New Years resolutions, which I never remember to stick to anyway, I might think of this as a new years project.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
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6:42 am
Thursday, December 28, 2006
African Images #4 Pack your mosquito repellant and anti-malaria tablets, we're going on safari!
Tribute to a relic of the past......a canoe safari on the Zambezi River in Zimbabwe

In his later years, when the game department realised they were never going to catch him as a poacher, they offered him a job in conservation, and he used all his skills and insider knowledge to protect animals. He moved to Harare and bred horses, but never really settled down to city life. Every year he spent time in the Zambezi Valley, which was the only place he ever really felt at home.

photographing this guy.... we picked up the unmistakable smell of cat urine, Ian confirmed that a lion was very close by and that it would be a good idea to walk back to the camp pronto!
I don't have the slightest understanding of what prompts guys to go and kill beautiful animals for the thrill of the hunt, but Ian was not one of those trophy hunter types. He did his hunting at a time when the species he hunted were plentiful, and he was just another predator living in the bush, not an ego driven tourist wanting to impress his buddies with a stuffed animal head on his wall. I don't condone what he did, but he was a fascinating individual. It was a real privilege to have known him, and to have been given a glimpse into his world.
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10:12 am
Monday, December 25, 2006
Hi all, hope you are having a wonderful Christmas. This is a quick post to get our family up to date.
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2:44 am
Sunday, December 24, 2006
The port
A last post before Christmas…oooh that sounds morbid, like someone died and the bugle is going… Nahh, it’s happy and cheerful and VERRRRRY beautiful here… we are at Port St Francis(I waxed lyrical about it here)
We invested in a suite at the Port Hotel here recently, and since the transfer came through the other day, we decided to pop down for a day or two, bring a few bits of furniture to make it more homey, and NEST. I love nesting. Wherever I go, Max teases me because I don’t feel I am THERE till I have unpacked, moved things around, and then I feel I have settled in and can go with the flow.... chill.....enjoy the scenery...
This is a view from the walkway, back across the harbour to the hotel, our suite is the one on the bottom level, right hand side. (By the way, I blush at being so DOF (pronounced dorf), which is Afrikaans for just plain STUPID!!, but I envied everyone who had Clickable photos, and was even going to ask Deb how to do it, when I accidentally clicked on one of mine and found they are already clickable, so if you too are doff, and didn't know it before, you can now click merrily away when you want to see a larger detail of any of the photos!)
Because I will be connecting on the cellphone again, I’ll keep the pix to a minimum this time, but I’ll do a fuller story on this place soon, because we have photos going back to when it was first being built, and it is cool to track its progress.
And that goofy seal I mentioned in THIS post was back, wallowing around between the boats holding onto its tail with 1 fin, and presumably using the other to avoid colliding with anything.
This is a view looking out through the harbour entrance, to St Francis Bay village, dozing peacefully across the bay.
Look at this wonderful planting of alliums and agapanthus (agapanthi??) at the entrance to the new golfing estate down the road.
The egrets and herons were settling into the trees to roost for the night, with much jostling for position and raucous bantering.
Yesterday’s sunset was also pretty,
I wish all family, friends and blog friends a WONDERFUL JOYOUS PEACEFUL HAPPY Christmas, and A DELIGHTFUL New Year!
The live
Posted by
7:36 am
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Amongst my old photos, I found 2 which came close to costing me my liberty. It was 1975, and I was living in Johannesburg. Some friends and I decided on the spur of the moment to drive up to Malawi for the weekend! (Did you get the impression I was young and irresponsible? Read on, you will!)

We got to the Zimbabwe border by about 5am, waited for it to open at 6, and went through, stopping along the way to take photos. We finally reached the border between Zimbabwe and Mozambique at Nyamapanda. After paying the obligatory bribes, we entered the country, as the sun was beginning to set.
We set off from the border post, cheerfully oblivious to what awaited us. In that strange light when it is too dark to see well, but too light for the headlights to be effective, we crested a blind rise in the road, to see a small man with a very large machine gun pointing at us. I stood on the brakes and swerved to avoid him. The next thing there he was, a 13 year old, pushing the barrel of his AK47 through the car window, against my face, and shouting that he is going to shoot us because we had tried to kill him.
The more we tried to explain that his roadblock was in a very dangerous place and we did not see him until we were almost on top of him, the more agitated he became. Luckily, an older man came out from behind a bush, and told him it would be a bad idea to shoot us because they didn’t want any bad publicity about killing tourists at that stage of taking over the country, and, after demanding cigarettes and beer from us, sent us on our way.
OK!!!!! So, if you are planning a cross border holiday, it may be a good plan to find out what is happening in the country first! That night, in the relatively short stretch between Mocambique and Malawi, we went through 17 roadblocks, and only arrived at the border at 3am.
By this time we were exhausted and, finding a flattish piece of ground close to the darkened Customs Building, we climbed into our sleeping bags to sleep until the border opened. It turned out we had made ourselves at home on the front lawn of the chief Customs Officer’s house!
As we were having our baggage searched the next morning, I was happily doing my “tourist” thing and snapping away with my camera. Suddenly one of the soldiers swung round, levelled his AK47 at me and said I was under arrest and he was going to confiscate my camera, because it was illegal to photograph soldiers! After some very quick thinking, I realised that I had just finished my film and rewound it, so I said I was TERRIBLY sorry, had no idea (which was true!) and that if I took the film out the sun would ruin it and then there would be no more pictures (which wasn’t true), but luckily he fell for it and relented. We jumped hastily into the car and sped thankfully across the border into blissfully peaceful and stable Malawi.
Due to all the delays, roadblocks etc, we were a day late. In the meantime, my parents had arrived from Zimbabwe to visit me, and were frantically phoning hospitals and police stations to try and find me. We take modern communications so much for granted now, but in those days it was impossible for me to contact them and let them know I was safe. By the time we arrived back in Johannesburg at 2am on Tuesday morning, I was as popular as a pork chop in a synagogue, as you can imagine! But I only really got the full impact of how they must have felt many years later when my son pulled a similar stunt on me! What goes around comes around!!
After that unexpectedly longwinded story, I will keep the renovations update brief….

Look at the main bedroom, the back wall has gone
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10:28 am