Hi, well the big day has dawned, and today is bloggers against abuse day. if you want to find out more, click on the icon on my sidebar. I have been putting ideas together, but have been really ill for the past 4 days, (suspected glandular fever) and to be honest, my brain is like cotton wool, I just do not have what it takes to pull it all together. So I may have a go at a later stage, and in the meantime I will give you links to a couple of websites dealing with child abuse in South Africa, which is very prevalent.
the first is on the south african police site.
and the second is training for teachers to know what to look out for and how to deal with it.
sorry, that's it for now, back to bed!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
bloggers against abuse day
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10:01 am
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Gone fishin'
You know how your life sort of rolls along in neutral sometimes, one day follows the last, all pretty average, and then suddenly one comes along that is an unexpected gem?

Posted by
10:53 am
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Gotta love Africa #2

I cannot take credit for these photos, they were e-mailed to me by a friend, so I can't give credit, but thanks to whoever took them!
Posted by
8:11 am
Monday, September 17, 2007
Coastal Villages
The other day I took you to visit the little seaside village of Schoenies. Today I went out to Seaview, which is a bit further along the coast, so I thought I'd take you along for the ride!
As you know by now, I have a thing about maps, so just to set the scene and put things in perspective, here is a map of the coast, from St Francis Bay in the West, (Which I have already written about ad nauseam!) eastwards towards Cape Receife, where the bay sweeps north in a big curve, into Nelson Mandela Bay. (courtesy of Google Earth, one of my all time favourite toys!!)
Zooming in a bit, here is the stretch from the Gamtoos River Mouth to Cape Receife (Clickable to see a larger view)
The city of Port Elizabeth stretches as far as Mount Pleasant, which is the end of the built up area, and then one travels through an area of unspoilt coastal bush, scattered with smallholdings and farms, towards Seaview and Beachview, which are technically part of the outlying suburbs of PE.

Posted by
4:34 am
Friday, September 14, 2007
I seldom watch day-time TV. Years ago when I was a young mom grappling with 2 littlies, running a smallholding (growing veggies, fixing fences, milking my cow, making jam, butter etc) and simultaneously running a pottery studio, it wasn't an issue anyway, I barely had time to BREATHE, never mind watch TV!
But at the time, I met the middle aged wife of one of Max's colleagues who was very obviously bored, lonely and depressed, and she had got into the habit of mooching around in her dressing gown, watching whatever rubbish was served up on TV all day long.
I felt sorry for her, (especially as South Africa only had 1 TV channel in those days, now we have 4 if you are not on satellite, and even now it is often hard to find anything worth watching!) but I really took it to heart, I never wanted to end up like that.
So it became a sort of unwritten rule chez-farty that the TV did not get turned on during the day, and even now all these years later, it still usually applies. Exceptions are when one of us is sick in bed, and needing mindless entertainment to pass the time, and when expectant daughters-in-law are staying! (In this situation, all rules fly out of the window, we egg each other on wickedly to eat copious quantities of chocolate and gawp at daytime TV to our hearts content!)
I have obviously glimpsed trailers for the odd soapie over the years, and jeered in a superior way at their inane mindlessness, not to mention acting which is so bad that it is comedic. I have often speculated about what motivates otherwise intelligent people to sit enthralled by these shows, and decided it was probably some form of voyeurism and escapism.
However, it was all very clearly hammed up fiction, so, though mindless, it was probably harmless.
The new trend in programmes is way more disturbing, because it now revolves around the real lives of real people being dissected on National Television. The popularity of shows like Jerry Springer and Rikki Lake just blows my mind! In these, there is not even an attempt at altruistic motives such as public awareness of issues or actually attempting to help (as in the case of DR Phil or Oprah.) It is plain straight forward salacious entertainment, and clearly destructive to both participants and viewers.
And it says some frightening things about our society,
- that such dysfunctional interpersonal dynamics are common,
- that people have so little dignity or sense of self worth that they subject themselves willingly to become objects of public scrutiny and entertainment,
- that hopefully more functional individuals find it all entertaining rather than repugnant, and feed the whole sick thing by watching such programmes!
For me an all time low is the sordid one that has been on our TV on Sundays recently, called “The Batchelor.” The whole concept of 25 women being available to throw themselves at 1 man, who gets to screw around with them literally and figuratively, until he rejects all but one, and then in some sort of magical way is suddenly supposed to transform into a faithful loyal guy who would make a good husband to her….it just boggles the mind!
I mentioned Dr Phil and Oprah. They, at least, have the noble stated intention of helping, or shedding light on social issues. But I must admit, I have often wondered lately if it is all as altruistic as it appears. How much do they need to stretch their personal integrity at times, to show things which go beyond what is needed to help the people, or inform us, but which add spice and make “good TV”?
I have been trying to put a label on the way I sometimes feel when watching these shows, and I think the closest word that I can get to is ‘defiled’. There is often good and useful content, but I am also seeing stuff that does go on in many homes, but am I any the richer in my heart for seeing it? Do we need to constantly be exposed to the seamy, sad, dishonest, aggressive or sordid, to be aware that it exists? Will it eventually tarnish or desensitize us to the point where we are no longer shocked or saddened by these things? Will we become so numb that they become ‘normal’ to us?
I often feel as if I am crossing a personal boundary too, I suppose I could describe it as that guilty feeling one would get while peeping through a keyhole and spying on someone, whilst knowing it was reprehensible to do so.
If seeing other people’s real-life pain and trials as entertaining is becoming the norm in society, why on earth are we shocked and surprised when crime rises, kids run wild, and people have forgotten how to respect themselves or others!
So, I guess, there was some merit in that unwritten rule, and I am glad I have not seen more daytime TV over the years. I may be ignorant about many facts that have been revealed, but I am relieved that I still find it all offensive enough that I can only stomach it in small quantities!
here ends the rant.... have a nice day!
Posted by
10:27 am
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Today we welcome a beautiful new little person to the planet, she is still waiting for a name (mom and dad want to get to know her and be sure it suits her) but she is fit and well and they are a delightful little family. All her grandparents (Max and Sue in South Africa, and Judy and Charlie in Spain) are delighted.

Posted by
8:14 am
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
the final countdown
Well by all accounts, tomorrow should be a big day.....firstly because our granddaughter is due to make her appearance in the early morning (ceasarian) and secondly because it is my 1st blogiversary, so the draw for the giveaway painting will take place. (If you haven't entered yet, go to this post and leave a comment.)
Posted by
7:58 am
Monday, September 10, 2007
Along the coast from Port Elizabeth, past the point of the Bay known as Cape Receife, toward Cape Town, is a cute little village called Schoenmakerskop, (literal translation shoe makers head!) which is affectionately known as Schoenies.
Posted by
9:15 am
Sunday, September 09, 2007
travel update
Hi, I promised yesterday to add the link to Kirsty's interesting outback post.... here it is. Thanks Kirsty.
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11:38 am
Saturday, September 08, 2007
blog travel
One of my favourite things about blogging is the fact that I get to 'travel' all over the world, on a miniscule budget!
And not just to the tired old tourist standards, that I can see on any travel poster, but also to the magic 'secret spots', those quiet everyday places around people's homes, the sort of spot a tourist would generally whizz past on the way to some major attraction. The sort of spot that, as a resident, you take for granted, until you become a blogger.
Then you begin to see your surroundings through different eyes, and realise that, while they may be routine to you, they are fresh, fascinating, possibly even exotic to those from different parts of the world.
I often see comments from bloggers, sick and tired of long grey snow bound winters, surfing the posts of those from the opposite hemisphere, and relishing the pictures of bright sunny surroundings and masses of summer flowers. Conversely, there are those sweltering in heatwaves, who are refreshed by images of rain and snow.
So here are a few links to some of the blogtravel I have enjoyed recently.... (not at all comprehensive, it takes ages to find them, but it's a start.
Cheesy of williamette valley Oregon usa, went here last weekend to do some deliveries...
and Terry of Portland Oregon has wonderful scenery on the Fanno Creek trail for her daily strolls (see Fruitful post.) She has also recently shown us great images of Mexico.
Sheila from Ontario, Canada is a well travelled lady who has a gift for showing her travels in a really interesting way.
Over in the UK, Ruth who lives in Suffolk has shown us some great outings to the surrounding villages, including this one of tree carvings in Bellevue Park, Sudbury.
And CJ, originally a South African, now lives in Otter Ferry, Scotland. She has shown us the scenery on her way to work here and here.
Shirley Goodwin showed us some lovely views from her home in Oamaru Creek new Zealand. She has now moved to Christchurch, so I look forward to some cool views of that soon!
Her friend Donald Lousely has a fabulous site showing views of central otagu.
Ali from Te Puna near Tauranga, also in New Zealand, showed us the unique Moeraki boulders on south island. It is worth browsing through her archives, she does very informative posts on growing kiwi fruit and other farming activities we might not see otherwise.
In Australia, Kirsty from Queensland visited Sydney, and showed us glimpses of the picturesque suburb of Balmain. She also gave a fascinating glimpse into an outback farmstead, but I can't find the link, as soon as I get it I will post it for you.
And of course, here in Africa, I often do posts to show our country.
Then, there is one with no particular country, but probably the most travel... 1000 days nonstop at sea chronicles the voyage of Reid and Soanya on a lovely old schooner.
But I have saved, what is for me, the best for last... an old blog now, but full of the most wonderful images of Antarctica....stunning stuff!
Bon Voyage!
Posted by
11:30 am
Don't forget to go here and leave a comment, if you want a chance to win an original oil painting in the blogiversary giveaway. You only have till the 12th to comment, draw is on the 13th.
Posted by
6:08 am
Friday, September 07, 2007
gnomes and hi tech parenthood
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11:44 am