Sunday, November 25, 2007

the circle of life

As I was editing my photos and resizing them for the web, I was about to crop off the dead flower at the top, and I stopped in my tracks...
because it struck me that this is such a visual picture of how life is for us humans as well.
In our little "clump" of family, friends, associates, like the daisy buds, some are about to be born, some are very young, some well on into the prime of life. There are those who, like the daisy behind the sticks and twigs, are caught up in tangled lives, even feeling a bit isolated, and like the daisy in the front with the unwelcome passenger, there are those who face sudden threats. Some just sit there and soak up the sun in happy freedom. And of course, there are those who are in their fading years now, and will soon leave us.
We are all at such different places in our lives, but we are a group, we enjoy each other's proximity, the comfort of being part of a community, and travelling through this life together in a clump.


RUTH said...

What a beautiful made me look at your photo in a whole new light
Love & Hugs

imac said...

Brill shot,captured nicely.

Last post of canal up now

Lilli & Nevada said...

This was truly a good way to look at life, as Ruth said a new way of looking at things.
Very nice post

karoline in the morning said...

very thoughtful post...and yes..isn't it the goes out another one in...
